Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
DeafHope plans walkathon for Dec. 4

By Kevin L. Nichols
There are a number of worthy causes and organizations that flourish in Oakland.
Most deal with eradicating social perils that exist for non-disabled people. But imagine suffering from domestic or sexual violence in addition to not having full access to potentially lifesaving services.
DeafHopeis a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing support services for survivors of violence and their children. It provides a 24-hour hotline, advocacy, youth groups and training. A group of deaf women founded the organization to end domestic violence of all kinds.
DeafHope, in conjunction with the Oakland School for the Arts, will be hosting its “Ease on Down the Road” campaign, where more than 500 students will participate in a four-mile fundraising walk around Lake Merritt beginning at 10:30 a.m. Dec. 4. Proceeds from the walkathon will benefit DeafHope.
The following week, all are asked to support the school’s production of “The Wiz”— the first live musical featured at the newly renovated Oakland Fox Theater. “The Wiz”will run on Dec. 10 and 11. Tickets cost $30 for VIP, $20 for general admission and $10 for students and seniors. Group discounts are available. Tickets can be purchased at oakarts.tix.com.
The Oakland School for the Arts performance schedule is available at www.oakarts.org or by calling (510) 873-8808. For more information about DeafHope or to make a tax-deductible donation, visit www.deaf-hope.org.
Kevin L. Nichols is an author and the president/CEO of KLN Publishing, located in San Francisco. For more information, visit www.klnpublishing.com.
Don’t wait until you need a job

Originally published at http://www.rotary.org/en/MediaAndNews/TheRotarian/Pages/Management0912.aspx
Don’t wait until you need a job
The Rotarian -- December 2009
Illustration by Dave Cutler
With the U.S. unemployment rate close to 10 percent and millions of those with jobs worried about the security of their paychecks, who you know can make the difference between landing a new job or remaining unemployed.
Networking is often misunderstood, conjuring up images of superficial, what-can-you-do-for-me conversations between strangers wearing name tags. But done right, it’s effective and satisfying – especially for those who shift their networking strategies to fit the times.
Surveys conducted by outplacement firms and human resources associations have shown that more jobs are found through personal connections than any other method. But it’s not just who you know – it’s who those people know. Groundbreaking research by Stanford University sociology professor Mark Granovetter has emphasized the importance of “weak ties”: Even if those in your immediate circle of friends and family don’t know of any job openings, when they tell their friends and co-workers – people you don’t know directly – about your search, your opportunities expand dramatically.
New technology has made it easier to track down and connect with those weak ties. The leading online business networking site, LinkedIn, allows members to link their profile to those of other members they know. Once a member confirms you as a contact, you can browse through that person’s connections. Link to 10 members, each with 10 contacts, and you have access to more than 100 potential job leads. You can also post professional recommendations and an online version of your résumé.
The economic downturn has had a dramatic effect on LinkedIn’s membership. Until last fall, about one million new members joined each month, says the site’s career expert, Krista Canfield. “Then, in August and September of 2008, we saw a shift in our growth rate – around the time many of the larger layoffs occurred and the media began talking about a recession in earnest. We’re now growing at a rate of one new LinkedIn member every second, or about a million new members every two weeks.”
Kevin Nichols, the moderator of LinkedIn’s Downtown San Francisco Networking Group and president of his own publishing company, says having an online presence shows prospective employers that you’re keeping up with the times. “It used to be that you’d get the heavyweight paper, print out your résumé, put it in the mail, and get a letter two weeks later acknowledging that it had been received,” he says. “Those days are gone. If you’re not willing to present yourself in an electronic way, employers will be concerned that you’re not going to be able to compete.”
Nichols has seen the benefit of online networking firsthand: When he had an idea for a book, he searched through his network for contacts at publishing companies. “Rather than dealing with the person who opens the mail and tosses it, I talked to the CEO,” he says. But it only worked because his intermediaries put in a good word for him. “You still need someone to vouch for you,” he notes.
That is the most critical aspect of networking: Whether it happens via e-mail or in a face-to-face meeting, it only works if there’s a personal connection. And that’s just what many of us find most difficult. “We know we should be doing it, but we’re not sure how to approach people we don’t know or know only slightly,” says communication expert Debra Fine, author of The Fine Art of Small Talk: How to Start a Conversation, Keep It Going, Build Networking Skills – and Leave a Positive Impression .
Fine, a member of the Rotary Club of Denver Southeast, Colo., says many job hunters make the mistake of coming on too strong. “It’s out of line to call someone and ask them to get you into a company,” she says. “It’s a horrible burden to put on them.” Instead, she suggests, phrase your question as a request for information rather than a job: “Who do you know who could help me find out more about this industry?”
Whether you’re networking at a business event or through e-mail exchanges, Fine cautions against “elevator speeches:” trapping your audience with a pushy, self-promoting monologue. “You should be prepared to answer in one sentence what you’re looking for, if asked,” she says. “It’s annoying when someone hands me a business card I didn’t ask for. What do you think I’m going to do with that card when I find it a week later in my pocket? Chances are I’m going to toss it.”
Perhaps the most important axiom is that networking is a two-way street. To borrow from John F. Kennedy: Ask not only what a new acquaintance can do for you, ask what you can do for that acquaintance. “It’s about value exchange,” says Myles Golden, president of Golden Career Strategies in Greenville, S.C., and a member of the Rotary Club of Greenville. “Genuine networking is showing a keen interest in someone else’s interests and endeavors. They will pay you back eventually.”
This approach requires a mental shift in how we think of networking. Rather than reaching out to others merely to achieve a specific short-term goal, we should constantly be adding to our circle of acquaintances, seeking out mentors, and sharing advice. Every Rotarian has access to a huge network of fellow members, but many don’t take full advantage of it. Fine, for example, makes a point of sitting with different people at every club meeting. She also drops by Rotary clubs in different cities whenever she takes a business trip.
With more than 5,700 members, Rotary International’s group on LinkedIn offers Rotarians another way to connect with each other. Primarily a place to ask and answer questions about Rotary-related programs and activities, it also features a job board, where members can post open positions or messages relating to their own job searches.
Golden, a past governor of District 7750, credits Rotary’s network with much of his professional success. As a young office-supply salesman, he found mentors in his Rotary club and eventually worked his way up to company president. Ten years ago, he started his own career coaching firm and now calls on his extensive network to help clients. “I just can’t imagine what my career would have been like without Rotary,” he says. “The best relationships I have are with my fellow Rotarians. They are many, and they run deep.”
Web sites such as Monster and CareerBuilder aren’t the only places to find job listings online. Try these sites to broaden your search:
- Indeed.com . Type in the keywords relevant to your job search, and this site combs through listings on company Web sites and job boards, pulling out the ones most relevant to you.
- Professional associations. Whatever your industry, chances are there’s a career-training and networking organization associated with it. Check the association’s Web site for job listings; discussion forums are also a good way to make contacts in your field.
- Your alma mater. Colleges and universities sponsor a variety of career services for alumni. Check your university’s Web site for job listings or informal networking events.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Power LinkedIn User Interview with Kevin L. Nichols
by Joshua on October 10, 2009
I had a great conversation with Kevin Nichols, a power LinkedIn user the other day. The audio quality didn’t turn out well, but I thought the conversation was valuable enough to publish it anyways.
Just to summarize:
Kevin uses job boards like Craigslist or Indeed.com to find openings, but actually uses LinkedIn to pursue the job. By leveraging his network, he’s able to get referrals rather than cold call opportunities.
Another great piece of advice is that because his name is so common, he always uses his middle initial. Every blog post and profile uses his middle initial. This is how he is able to get high Google rankings.
He describes how he uses twitter for promotion, facebooks for family and friends and Linkedin just for professional networking. With his own company and his pursuit of finding a job, he is open to various and creative ways of finding employment. We are in an unprecedented time, and forward thinkers like Kevin have a lot to share with us.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Interesting San Francisco Attractions
Featuring the Legion of Honor and the Exploratorium
By: Kevin L. Nichols
Lately "stay-cations" have become more popular due to the sagging economy and the rise of gasoline prices. Bay Area families have to weigh the pros and cons a lot more carefully in order to determine what destinations they will frequent with the hope of saving a few pennies. Many will have to reconsider that annual Hawaiian or Orlando vacation this year. Nevertheless, all is not lost because San Francisco happens to still be one of the largest tourist attractions in the world. Here are two reasons why:
The Exploratorium
Founded in 1969, the Exploratorium still represents the best and brightest of California scientists and inventors. It is similar to a "declassified" (low level security clearance required) of a national research and/or weapons laboratory such as Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory or Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in that it has numerous experiments where everyday people can explore. Some of the amazing exhibits on hand can teach people about the intricacies of light in conjunction with the human eye, sound in relation to our ears, and the behavior of liquids, solids, and gases through various hands on and engaging experiments. The learning never stops and it is applicable for all ages. The Exploratorium is reasonable priced and parking is free. This is one location stay-caution that you will not forget.
The Legion of Honor
The Legion of Honor is tucked away in a hidden area of the city near the Golden Gate Bridge. Its approach is mesmerizing with a beautiful overlook of the San Francisco Bay and notable landmarks of the city. It was originally built to commemorate Californian soldiers who died in World War I.
Rodin's Thinker, greets you as you enter the courtyard approaching the entrance. The Legion of Honor is a sophisticated museum which contains various paintings, ancient artifacts, murals, and sculptures. In addition to the mature artwork, it also has featured exhibits as well. I had they pleasure of having a docent lead tour of John Baldessari: A Print Retrospective from the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation. This was a fascinating tour of one of our local artist's collection. Schnitzer signature pictures use black and white photographs of usually random photographs where he infuses colorful objects, including dots, in innocuous places.
If you love art and would like to be exposed to a variety of masterpieces, you will not be disappointed by visiting the spacious and eclectic Legion of Honor on your next visit to The City.
Copyright 2009 – KLN Publishing, LLC – All rights reserved.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
A Day at the DeYoung

By: Kevin L. Nichols
These economic times require us to be more creative in finding worthwhile entertainment than ever before for ourselves and our families. This is why it is important to explore our local gems that we often take for granted as Bay Area residents. Recently, I visited the DeYoung Museum nestled in the gorgeously revamped Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, and I must say that it was a breathtaking experience.
First of all, the lines were not long. The entire museum has been upgraded such that it has a state of the art cafeteria and restroom facilities (which are always nice while visiting with children). Further, most visitors are respectful of the rules, meaning that they speak quietly amongst themselves, the docents are extremely helpful, and the fact sheets placed next to the exhibits are highly informative.
Below, please find some of the magnificent ancient African masks, artifacts, and rugs that I found intriguing:
One piece that I found particularly provocative was Aaron Douglas’s oil on canvas “Aspiration” (created for the Texas Centennial in 1936). Despite knowing many of the purchasers, such as Dr. and Mrs. Coyness Ennix, Jr., Nichole Ennix, and organizations such as the NAACP and the Black Chamber of Commerce, I was deeply moved by what it represented. Essentially the piece articulates Douglas’s conceptualization of the connection between African/Egyptian and African American cultures and their respective historical progressions from slavery to freedom. It is deeply seeded with images of the “lone star” representing Texas, shackles, the North Star that led slaves to freedom, and the ancient pyramids in the distance. It was truly inspiring.
In the near future, I hope to share my thoughts on the King Tutankhamun Exhibit also featured at the DeYoung and I encourage you all to visit the museum to share in this once in a lifetime experience.
Copyright 2009 KLN Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
LinkedIn for complicated resumes

* by Marci Alboher, Working the New Economy, on Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:52pm PDT
Creating a LinkedIn profile is pretty straightforward when you have a job with a well-defined title. But I’ve been getting questions lately about how to create a profile on LinkedIn when what you're doing isn’t so tidy. Two scenarios that come up a lot are how to create one of these profiles if you have a slash career (e.g. yoga instructor/caterer), or if you’re unemployed (or, as some say, consulting).
There’s some overlap between the two scenarios because in both cases you are taking what feels like a standard tool and tailoring it to fit your needs. And the good news is that when you spend a little time with it, LinkedIn allows for a lot of customizing.
Here are a few ideas:
Play with your status updates. If you’re looking for opportunities, mention that in your status update so that your connections are reminded of it. The example above, which says "on the prowl for career and/or entrepreneurial endeavors," is a good model.
Use slashes or vertical lines between your different titles. Twanna Hines, a dating advice columnist, uses vertical lines to separate her various identities (including “sexpot,” which may not be an official job title, but gives you a good idea of what she’s about). I’m partial to slashes myself, and recommend keeping it to no more than three or four at any one time.
Be creative with the “Current” section. If you are between positions, consider identifying yourself with a title that reflects your desired position (e.g. “marketing director seeking opportunity in consumer products”). If you’re consulting or available for freelance work, give your consulting business a name and list it as a current position. This is also a great spot to list anything you’re doing on the side -- a column you write for a trade magazine, an officer position in your university alumni organization, significant volunteer work. Feel free to use several lines to describe your current positions.
Don’t forget to include websites. At the bottom of your LinkedIn profile, you can list a few Websites. If you have a side business or an organizational association with a Website, include it there. If you don’t have any websites associated with your work, use that spot to link to any other social networking profiles you want to highlight.
Include relevant keywords. If you have a few things going on in your career, make sure that you’ve sprinkled around relevant terms from your various interests throughout the profile and in the list of specialties at the bottom of the summary so that your profile will come up in searches on the site.
Tweak your summary section often. Use the summary section to tie things together and tell a story about what you’re doing or want to be doing. And get used to tweaking that often. Every six months I seem to shake up the mix of things I’m doing, and I specifically mention that in the summary section of my profile.
Focus on your recommendations. Though it’s nice to collect recommendations all the time, it’s especially helpful to have a few solid ones when you’re looking for new opportunities. If you can identify a few people who you know think highly of you, ask if they’d be comfortable writing one for you. If you want people to think of you for more than one kind of opportunity, make sure that you have recommendations that reflect those various skills. While you’re at it, cruise around the site and leave recommendations for those who’ve made a positive impression you.
One final thought: While these tips are focused specifically on LinkedIn, the ideas behind them apply to any site where you’re creating a profile from a template.
Have any of you devised creative ways to customize your LinkedIn profile or other online profiles?
Friday, September 4, 2009
Going ‘green’ by car sharing
By Kevin L. Nichols and sons
Going GreenOne can assume that most Bay Area families own either one or two automobiles.
Many people rent cars for a myriad of reasons. Some rent them for longer trips or if they need more space, while others rent cars to prevent further wear and tear on their own cars. Some want the comfort of driving a newer vehicle with more technological amenities, such as GPS and satellite radios.
Having these luxuries, however, can get expensive. Not to mention, some people want to reduce their carbon footprint and improve the environment. Moreover, what about those who only need a car for a few hours and do not want to pay for gas, additional auto insurance and the increased depreciation on their vehicle? Many turn to car sharing.
Going GreenCar sharing is not a new concept, but it is growing very popular here in the Bay Area. In conjunction with the recent “going green” philosophy, this phenomenon allows individuals to rent cars for a short period of time, such as one to three hours, for a fraction of the cost of owning a car or renting a car from a traditional car rental company. In addition to a $6 to $12 hourly rate depending on what car is chosen, gas and insurance is included in the rental price. Unlike most rental car companies, these cars are usually eco-friendly cars (either hybrids or low emission/ good gas mileage vehicles). This service provides its members with 24/7-access to a fleet of unattended vehicles from convenient locations, such as BART stations or parking lots in urban areas. Two leaders in this industry are local companies named City Car Share and Zipcar.
Both companies offer a seamless process to get you in a vehicle as quickly and efficiently as possible. You can fill out a simple application online or over the phone, pay a nominal registration/membership fee and then you will either receive either a “fob” (City Car Share) or an electronic “key” (Zipcar), much like a credit card, that unlocks the doors of the each vehicle at the time of your reservation. Then you reserve the vehicle of your choice at the location of your choice. All cars are required to have at least a half of a tank of gas in them and are equipped with credit cards to replenish it before you return the vehicle. It’s also nice to have an adapter in each vehicle for your iPod.

City Car Share
Our first introduction to the car sharing concept was with City Car Share. Its mission is “to improve the environment and quality of life in the Bay Area by promoting car sharing as a means to reduce automobile dependence, ownership and usage.”
We picked up a 2006 Honda Element at the North Berkeley BART Station. This probably was not the appropriate vehicle to test drive since the rear seats were harnessed on the ceiling when we arrived. With two small rambunctious boys, patience was not on our side. Nevertheless, we figured out how to readjust the seats and were on our way.
The process was seamless. One fact that resonated with us was that City Car Share is the only nonprofit car sharing organization, is certified green, has affordable rates and offers discounted rates to other nonprofit/community-based organizations.

Zipcar’s slogan says that they “are redefining the way people think about transportation.” They offer a range of fun cars such as Mini-Coopers to premium BMW 300 series.
We test drove a hybrid Nissan Altima and my boys loved it immensely. None of us could hear the engine and felt that we were definitely doing our part of reducing congestion by sparing the environment from another low gas mileage/gas guzzling vehicle on the road. The reservation process was simplistic and the vehicle was practically brand new.
Overall, the car sharing concept is a reasonably priced alternative to owning a vehicle if you live near a metropolitan area with a sophisticated public transportation system. According to City Car Share, “the American Automobile Association estimates that the nationwide average monthly cost of owning a car is $500” per month, so $50 to $60 a month for car sharing is a viable option.
For more information about car sharing, visit www.citycarshare.org and www.zipcar.com.
Kevin L. Nichols is an author and the president/CEO of KLN Publishing, LLC, located in San Francisco. For more information, www.klnpublishing.com.
Copyright © 2009 The Globe Newspaper Group, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
According to recent data by the state Department of Education, about 17% of California students drop out of high school. But, if you're African American and live in Alameda County, that number shoots up to about 35%, likely higher if you're a Black male.
The Twenty-First Century Foundation's Black Men and Boys Initiative and Actor-Director Mario Van Peebles invite you to participate in a free public screening and discussion about new ideas to improve educational outcomes for African American boys in Oakland.
BRING YOUR "A" GAME is a new documentary film that, in Van Peebles' words, "sheds light on the resilience and influence of Black males." The film will be used as a springboard for discussion and more importantly, action.
The film is hosted by Van Peebles and includes innovative special effects and interviews with prominent Black men such as Ice Cube, Lupe Fiasco, Sean "P. Diddy" Combs, Cornell West, Spike Lee, and others. Its message, one that President Obama has spoken about, is clear: a high school diploma is not enough.
We must bring our "A" Game!
Oakland Musuem - James Moore Theatre
1000 Oak Street
Oakland, California 94607
Saturday, September 19, 2009
9:00AM-5:00PM for YOUTH
Open to African-American males between 9th and 12th grade. Lunch (for youth only) will be served.
Space is limited.
Mario Van Peeples
Kevin Powell
Click Here
CALL 510.909.7423
How are Oakland Youth
Bringing their 'A' Game?
Monday, August 24, 2009
Weathering the Storm: Using Social Networking Sites to Uncover the Hidden Job Opportunities

By: Pang Ly, Esq. and Kevin L. Nichols1
Some social networking sites (“SNS”) are still in their teenage phase: crushes, gossip, sports stats, and local flavor are their typical posts. Most SNS’ casual approach to communicating is not the standard communication style among lawyers particularly when “communicating” in writing. How then as legal professionals can we appropriately utilize the tool for job searching? By understanding and finessing the social features particular to each SNS, you can effectively use the SNS tools in a focused manner for your own ends. Make sure the social networking you engage in achieves two goals: (1) identifies persons of interest (“POI”) and (2) reveals networking opportunities.
LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and JDSupra are four commonly used SNS which you can easily dabble in and employ for your own purposes including a job search.
LinkedIn is the most professionally focused SNS with its online resume functionality. Anything you would include in your resume and experience section, you can certainly enhance with LinkedIn’s features including showcasing glowing recommendations from colleagues, clients, or past employers as part of your profile. Indeed, you can send an email containing LinkedIn standard text requesting a recommendation or choose to write your own request for a recommendation.
This SNS’s underlying goal is to reduce the "6 Degrees of Separation" by allowing individual members to mine the connections of existing relationships and request introductions to meet potential employers, clients, or other resourceful people. Rather than cold calling companies, etc., LinkedIn facilitates introductions that broaden your contacts. You can easily find people who you went to school with or have worked with and add them to your network. You can easily upload your contacts from other sources such as Gmail or Yahoo. LinkedIn also has job postings, calendar of events, and updates about your contacts so you can keep current.
Practical Tips:
1. Your LinkedIn account should have a professional headshot, detailed resume, solid recommendations, and a careful edit of interests. Employers glean a lot of information from the profile listing, so show off a little and put your best foot forward. Warning: do not get too personal here – save that for Facebook if you want to go there.
2. A useful function of LinkedIn is the contact settings “expertise requests”. This enables you to identify a person as a specialist in their field, and regardless of whether the person is outside of your network, the setting is an excellent icebreaker by facilitating an easy introduction. People appreciate having their knowledge valued and are eager to share about their practice. Once you have identified a POI, then schedule an informational interview. If nothing else, you will make a new friend.
3. Ask a contact to forward your resume to HR. Oftentimes a firm will have an
opening and, instead of blindly sending your resume to HR, LinkedIn can help
you identify a POI in the company. For example, a law firm just posted an
advertisement for a senior associate because the previous one, whom is in your network, was recruited in-house. You ask your contact to forward a detailed introduction to the hiring manager about you and your ability to fill the vacancy. Assuming that their departure was a pleasant one, you have spectacular inroad to a position that no one else would have. 4. Ask for introductions. Really extend yourself and ask your existing contacts to introduce you to POIs. LinkedIn makes it easy to get third parties introduced into your network.
5. Keep track of events or job posting within your area of interest.
Facebook ("FB") is perhaps the most popular SNS today with many features to keep friends and family current about your life. Individuals can post events, share photos, play games, post relevant articles, YouTube clips, and other video, and create groups for worthy causes or networking. Members are able to update their "status" by sharing their moods or current activity, to which others may comment and respond accordingly. This SNS tends to be less professionally oriented, however, many professionals maintain both a work oriented LinkedIn page and a friends and family/interest group oriented Facebook page. Thus checking out and being open to both SNS provides a way in which to become better acquainted with your professional contacts. FB also has many settings to address privacy concerns; the settings allow you to manage who has what level of access to your personal
information and details of your life which are on display. Manage appropriately!
Practical Tips:
1. By updating your status, you can let your network know that you are looking for a particular opportunity and those who frequently read what is going on in other's lives, can respond to you with either referrals, connections, or helpful information that you may use to achieve your goals.
2. Belonging to the professional groups, alumni associations, affinity groups, etc., you can learn about social mixers and events that can allow you to meet the right people and open up the appropriate doors for you to walk through.
3. Search for POIs. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that you actually know someone who can put in a good word for you.
4. Look for events posted regarding your practice areas. Even bar associations and groups have FB listing networking functions.
5. Sometimes receiving "friend requests" from bosses or co-workers can be unsettling so please visit http://www.examiner.com/x-11864-Office-PoliticsExaminer~y2009m6d23-The-politics-of-Facebook-friends-from-your-job for some helpful tips.
Twitter is a site that allows individuals to post short, roughly 160 character messages, containing their thoughts, services, needs, feelings, etc. to their "followers" as well as the rest of the universe. This is like sending an instant message to everyone you know and depending on your settings, the entire world. Thus, it has upsides and downsides. Recently, it has grown in popularity due to celebrities such as Ashton Kutcher's race to beat CNN to 1,000,000 followers, or Oprah Winfrey sending her first "tweet" (message) on her show. Even President Obama tweets!
Millions of people read each others tweets and links to various articles, pictures, and other content on the web. A more focused Twitter for legal professionals is LexTweet which gathers legal tweets. However, it is difficult to measure how effective this tool is with advancing your career as unlike LinkedIn and FB, Twitter is one way conversation. It can help keep you on people’s minds if you use it to provide focused information that they want to see; you can think of it as targeted direct marketing lite.
Practical Tips:
1. Update your status and let your network know that you are looking for a particular opportunity.
2. Keep posts professional because tweets are searchable.
3. For a handbook on how to use Twitter, please visit
JD Supra
JD Supra is a SNS focused on the legal community and allows lawyers to showcase their work product. Its motto is: “Give Content. Get Noticed.” and is intended for lawyers to really highlight their legal acumen and the SNS is a searchable database of court filings, decisions, and articles submitted by the individual members. Employers will appreciate reviewing your work product and evaluating your abilities. This can be used for marketing yourself by reminding people of the client alerts or talks you have given recently. Providing value is key.
Practical Tips:
1. Remember that everything that you post is being "published" and discoverable. That being said put your best article, case or result out there. Prior work is a great way to sell your skills to a potential employer. Remember to keep it current.
2. Identify POIs and make networking connections.
With the working understanding of SNS, make sure to use it in an overall diligent job search.
SNS can be leads on hidden job opportunities and they can also enhance your ability to
positively stand out from other candidates. Here are some great jobs posting sites to get you started, and you just might find that dream job:
1. The Association of Corporate Counsel: www.acca.com
2. www.lawjobs.com
3. Worldwide Legal directory, see its Law Employment Center: www.hg.org
4. The Ladders: http://law.theladders.com
5. Minority Corporate Counsel Association’s job bank:
6. Corporate Counsel Women of Color http://www.ccwomenofcolor.org/
7. www.indeed.com
1 Pang Ly, Esq. is a founding member and current President of the Society of Asian Women Leaders (SAWL) and President & CEO of Legal Presence LLC. Kevin L. Nichols is President & CEO of KLN Publishing, LLC. The information in this article is a general description of social networking sites and is not intended to provide specific [legal] advice nor is it intended to create an attorney-client relationship. Because of its generality, the information provided herein may not be applicable in all situations and should not be acted upon without specific legal advice based on particular situations. Printed with permission of Pang Ly, Esq. and Kevin L. Nichols. Copyright ©2009. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Youssou N'Dour: I Bring What I Love is now playing in the Bay Area!

I work with Groovy Griot, a production company in New York and
we released a new film in the Bay Area on July 31 entitled,
"Youssou N'Dour: I Bring What I Love." The film is a documentary
about Senegalese music superstar, Youssou N'Dour. The film has
won numerous awards on the festival circuit and it opened in
New York and Los Angeles to much acclaim. The film is an entertaining, compelling documentary and it sends a message of positive change through music. Here's a link to a review of the film in the San Francisco Chronicle: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/07/31/MV35190UNA.DTL .
We are trying to get the word out about the film in the Bay Area. I wanted to see if you would be willing to send information about the film to your group members via email or if you would be willing to post something on your linked in blog about the film. Below please find additional information about the film. Please take a moment to view the film trailer by visiting the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK4kE329o28.
Warm regards,
Anne Broecker
Groovy Griot
It gives us great pleasure to announce that the new award winning film Youssou N’Dour: I BRING WHAT I LOVE opened in San Francisco (UA Stonestown Twin), Berkeley (Rialto Elmwood) and Monterey (Osio Cinema 6) on July 31 after opening to great success in New York and Los Angeles – “One of the best openings for a documentary so far this year" - Indiewire.
An audience sensation at film festivals worldwide, I BRING WHAT I LOVE takes you behind the scenes and into the world of Africa’s most famous musician: Youssou N’Dour. This never-before-told story follows N’Dour at a turning point in his life and career, as he releases his most personal and controversial album Egypt. But the singer’s hope for promoting a more tolerant face of Islam erupts in scandal and outrage in his native country that rejects the album and denounce it as blasphemous. Part explosive documentary, part stirring drama, I BRING WHAT I LOVE is an unforgettable musical journey with an artist whose courage and conviction shook the music industry and ultimately awakened the world. Watch the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba49eFI3WsU
If you live in or near San Francisco, go see the film and bring your friends, family and colleagues. The film's beautiful footage, fun beats, and inspiring personal story make it a must-see.
Enjoy the tantalizing beats, be inspired by Youssou's compelling story, but also go see the film because there is more at stake. It’s all too rare that an African or Muslim subject gets this kind of filmmaking and this kind of attention. Amid the images in the U.S. media of African AIDS, war and poverty, this film is a chance for Americans to see a positive, realistic representation of contemporary Africa. In addition, it is all too rare that stories go below the surface and give nuanced views of a more tolerant Islam. Every film is judged by its box office receipts, so please do your part to make this film a success - to show theaters and the media that we want to see films that reveal an entirely new Africa.
San Francisco, CA
UA Stonestown Twin
501 Buckingham Way
San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 681-0331
Daily 1:00 PM, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00
Opens July 7 at the Roxie
Roxie Theater
3117 16th Street, San Francisco, CA
Daily at 9:45pm
Berkeley, CA
Rialto Cinemas Elmwood
2966 College Avenue at Ashby
Berkeley, CA 94705
Daily 2:30 PM, 4:40, 7:00, 9:30 with Sat/Sun Mat 12:15 PM
Opens in El Cerrito, CA on August 7
Cerrito Rialto Cinemas
10070 San Pablo Avenue
El Cerrito, CA 94530
Daily: 2:00pm and 7:00pm
Monterey, CA
Osio 6 Cinemas
350 Alvarado St
Monterey, CA 93940
Daily: 12:10pm, 2:30pm, 4:50pm, 7:30pm, 9:40pm
Reel Talk/NBC: June 20th, 2009
“Youssou N’Dour: I Bring What I Love”
http://video.reeltalktv.com/player/?fid=28804 - videoid=1127487
CNN: June 13th, 2009
“African Voices: Singing from Senegal”
http://edition.cnn.com/video/ - /video/international/2009/06/12/av.a.youssou.ndour.cnn
Huffington Post: June 12th, 2009
“Youssou N’Dour and ‘I Bring What I Love’: an Elegiac Meditation on Faith, Islam and Music”
Group sales questions? Email: groupsales@ibringwhatilove.com
Visit the website: http://www.ibringwhatilove.com /and join our email list
Join on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20862148780
Follow on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/YoussouNdourDoc
Subscribe to http://www.Youtube.com/YoussouNdourDoc for exclusive videos and music!
For more information, questions, and to share your ideas please contact:
Anne Broecker
Groovy Griot
I Bring What I Love Outreach Manager
Friday, July 10, 2009
Local Leader Helps People to People Student Ambassadors Prepare for International Adventures on the European Heritage Tour
TO: Kevin Nichols
Today’s Date: June 27, 2009
Contact Info: Courtney Torres, 510.262.0340 or courtneytorres@yahoo.com
Local Leader Helps People to People Student Ambassadors Prepare for
International Adventures on the European Heritage Tour
This is one of the busiest times of the year for Courtney Torres. As outstanding students from the Contra Costa County area prepare to spread international goodwill and understanding as People to People Student Ambassadors, Torres, formerly the principal at Calvary Christian Academy in El Sobrante, is playing a vital role. She will be leading a 20 day People to People delegation to seven European countries including Great Britain, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland. Delegations will take part in a variety of activities, such as visiting the Normandy American Cemetery, which is the last resting place of 9,387 young soldiers who were killed in 1944 during the Battle of Normandy; attending an educational parliamentary briefing with a British (MP) Member of Parliament; and cruising on the Rhine River.
Delegation leader, Courtney Torres, has been apart of People to People since 2007 and took her first trip last year to Holland. In the last eleven years she has worked with children as an educator and school administrator; for the last two years serving as the principal of Calvary Christian Academy (CCA). Outside of coaching and teaching, she has experience working with children in after-school programs, extracurricular activities and community groups. “The best part of the experience is being able to watch PTP student delegates gain insight and worldly understanding; as well as develop friendships with other youth from parts of the world during the program.”
During the last few months, Torres has helped organize and attend meetings with other leaders, families, and students to learn more about the destination. Leaders travel closely with their delegation, participating in every activity and providing a vital link between the students, their families, and the supporting program office.
Acceptance into the Student Ambassador program is selective: students must be nominated by a teacher, submit letters of recommendation, and go through extensive interviews with the leaders. By participating in the programs, students can earn academic credit while getting to know the history, culture, and people of the places they will visit.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower founded People to People in 1956 with the belief that ordinary citizens of different nations could make a difference where governments could not. In 2006, People to People celebrated its 50th year of safely bringing the best educational journeys to life. If you have any questions regarding the People to People mission or programs, visit www.peopletopeople.com.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Childhood Matters Radio Program - Father's Day Roundtable - 6/20/09
Listen Live
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Father's Day Roundtable

Every Saturday, Green 960 AM, 9 to 10 AM!
Saturday, June 20
Father's Day Roundtable
Learn more about our guests and Upcoming Shows.
Produced by

Charles Houston Bar Association Free Family Law Clinic

Host: | |
Type: | |
Network: | Global |
Date: | Saturday, June 20, 2009 |
Time: | 10:30am - 12:30pm |
Location: | Oakland Public Library Main Branch |
Street: | 125 14th Street |
Phone: | 5102888686 |
Email: |
Alameda County Bar Association/Volunteer Legal Service Corporation
Oakland Public Library Main Branch
125 14th Street, Oakland, CA 94612
Saturday, June 20, 2009
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Volunteer attorneys will be on hand to answer your questions relating to landlord tenant legal issues, including tenants’ rights in foreclosures
Space is limited so please come early to sign up.
For further information please contact Sharron Gelobter at (510) 288-8686 or (866) 712-7974.
Please be advised that the Charles Houston Bar Association and ACBA/VLSC are not liable for advice received at this session. The session is for a limited period and referrals for further counseling will be available.
East Bay for Kamala Harris "$30 Before June 30th" Countdown Bash

Host: | |
Type: | |
Network: | Global |
Date: | Monday, June 29, 2009 |
Time: | 7:30pm - 10:00pm |
Location: | Maxwell's Lounge |
Street: | 341 13th Street |
City/Town: | Oakland, CA |
Phone: | 4152561727 |
Email: |
Please Join San Francisco District Attorney Kamala D. Harris & HostsGrammy Award Winning Singer & Songwriter Raphael Saadiq • Hon. Keith Carson • Hon. Abel J. Guillen • Hon. Steve Ngo • Hon. Tony Thurmond • Hon. Joel Young • Oakland Raiders Cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha • Oakland Raiders Linebacker Kirk Morrison • Buffalo Bills Offensive Tackle Langston Walker • !nkWell • Fusicology
Chijoke Amah • Cynthia Bagby • Louiza Ben Mohamed • Na'il Benjamin • London Breed • James Bryant • Jay Cash • Eric Casher • Harris Cohn • Pamela Coukos • Sarah Daniels • Sean Dugar • Jessica Eastman • Frieda Edgette • Nyeri Elliott • Khari Flowers • Sonia Gonzalez • Tommy Goodwin • Sophie Hahn • Jared Harris • Meena Harris • Jakada Imani • Edie Irons • Kiran Jain • Montel Jennings • Derreck Johnson • Damon Jones • Lakshmi Kerner • Jacqueline Majors • Natalia Merluzzi • Peter Monroe • Erik Moore • Peggy Moore • Felicia Moore-Jordan • Dave & Mary Nicely • Ijeh Ogbechie • Jennifer Pae • Sumi Paranjape • Shilen Patel • Candice Petty • Frederick Roots • Elliott Scales • Shalaya Shipman • Lateefah Simon • Hilary Sledge • Christine Smith • Armilla Staley-Ngomo • Annemarie Stephens • Dana Textoris • Hope Wood • Donald & Lillian White • Mike White • Ashley Paige White-Stern • Bari & Jaime Williams
For a chance to get in on the ground floor of Kamala Harris' historic campaign for California Attorney General!
Martin Luther Rebel Soul Music
Kev Choice Ensemble
Fear & Fancy
DJ D Sharp
Monday, June 29th
Maxwell's Lounge
341 13th Street
Oakland, CA
$30 per person
*ALL AGES welcome!
Purchase tickets online: http://bit.ly/KDHJune29
Questions/RSVP: RSVP@kamalaharris.org
Join us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/kamalaharris
Please visit: http://www.kamalaharris.org
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Download 6/10/09 Leadership Lessions Radio Program
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Men In Leadership Radio Interview - 06/10/2009

Leadership Lessons
Join me LIVE on my
Men in Leadership show on BlogTalkRadio at http://tobtr.com/s/557720
or call (347) 637-1753.
When: Wednesday,
June 10, 2009 at 3 p.m. PST
My scheduled guests include:
-University of Alabama professor, writer, and editor Dr. George Daniels;
-San Francisco-based publisher, editor, and consultant Kevin L. Nichols
-Singer, musician, and organization founder Jason Deering.
Don't miss this show! My guests will help you 'take your leadership to the next level'!
Dr. Milondra Coleman
P.O. Box 466
Thornburg, VA 22565
Friday, May 29, 2009
See Why Kamala Harris Urges African Americans to Support Sotomayor
Kevin L. Nichols
Saturday, May 23, 2009
CHBA FREE Landlord Tenant Law Clinic
The Charles Houston Bar Association
Alameda County Bar Association/Volunteer Legal Service Corp
Oakland Public Library Main Branch
125 14th Street, Oakland, CA 94612
Saturday, May 30, 2009
10:30-12:30 p.m.
Volunteer attorneys will be on hand to answer your questions relating to landlord tenant legal issues, including tenants’ rights in foreclosures
Space is limited so please come early to sign up.
For further information please contact Sharron Gelobter at (510) 288-8686.