BABP members will get a discounted rate and can use this link to register http://w2woakland2011.
Looking to sponsor this event, please see below:
-“Community Investment” Sponsor - $1,000 (4 Opportunities)
– One-Eighth-page (1/8) advertisement W2W program
– Logo on W2W website
– Acknowledgment in the W2W printed materials
– Acknowledgment in event guide
– Two (2) complimentary passes to event
-Tote Bag Sponsor – This sponsorship is based on the purchase of event bags, printed with the W2W logo on one side and your company logo on the reverse side. This bag will be distributed to all event attendees and provide maximum visibility for your company during and after W2W. Your company will handle the cost and production of this item with final approval by W2W.
-Lanyard Sponsor – This sponsorship will include the W2W logo and your logo. Lanyards will be distributed to all event attendees. Your company will handle the cost and production of this item with final approval by W2W.
-In-kind/Gifts donations that will help with the operation of the W2W event are welcomed.
Best regards,
Karla Woods-Stephens, President
Bona Fide Events
(480) 619-9276 direct
(520) 568-1525 fax